A new day is dawning in the cross-cultural mission movement. The Holy Spirit is bringing massive shifts in the global work of God. It is necessary for the body of Christ to keep in step with what God is releasing today.
To be faithful to what God is doing, the training and equipping of Christian leaders and message bearers (alternative term for missionaries) must adapt and shift as well. There is a new breed of messengers God is raising up today, requiring different means of training.
Great Commission Equipping Center
The GMMI Great Commission Equipping Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand exists to equip this new breed of messengers across the body of Christ.
The Equipping Center provides three schools focusing on equipping three distinct groups of messengers as voices for the Great Commission and global harvest: (1) Local church and campus ministry leadership (2) mission mobilizers (3) message bearers (alternative term for missionary) among the unreached.
These are equipped by the Lord through an atmosphere of spiritual and academic stimulus which encourages spiritual growth, dynamic reflection, hearing from God and ignites effective and anointed preparation and service for the Lord.
The practical activities of the three equipping schools are not their strength. The strength lies in the fact that participants soak in the presence of God, growing in wholehearted devotion, digging deep in prayer and worship, being rooted and grounded in Him through the Word.
Equipping Local Church and Campus Ministry Leaders
The Great Commission Leadership Institute (GCLI) is a two week school equipping local church and campus ministry fellowship leaders as messengers of the Great Commission among their local ministry community. The school equips these leaders as voices with principles, tools and strategy to mobilize and equip their entire local ministry, not merely a few individuals.
One of the shifts the Spirit is emphasizing in mission mobilization surrounds mobilizing whole local ministries, not only individuals. God is raising up entire local ministries as Great Commission Ministries. Every believer educated, inspired and activated in particular roles in mission, whether they ever leave their city or not.
For too long missions has been about a few people going out as “missionaries.” That outlook is shifting and local ministry leaders are becoming messengers helping guide their entire ministry to rise up and prioritize the Great Commission.
Equipping Mission Mobilizers
The Mobilizer Equipping School (MES) is a one month school equipping leaders with a calling to serve denominations, church networks or organizations as mission mobilizers. These are messengers of the very real possibility of seeing the fulfillment of the Great Commission in this generation.
God is releasing vision and insight related to “saturation mobilization” happening across a national body of Christ. Mobilization for too long has been a one by one process of helping guide those showing a bent toward a missions calling.
Instead, the Spirit is revealing strategies for mobilizers to guide multitudes of local ministries who are mobilizing and equipping their own members through implementing proven tools and teaching.
The Mobilizer Equipping School equips mission mobilizers to implement a reproducible strategy within their denominational and organizational structures toward seeing multitudes of local ministries raised up as Great Commission Ministries.
Equipping Message Bearers
The School of Global Harvest (SOGH) is a six month ministry training school for believers sensing a call from God as a message bearer of Christ among unreached and unengaged people groups. These messengers are empowered as voices proclaiming and demonstrating the Gospel where it presently is not.
The Spirit is shifting an emphasis from formal Seminary training to hands-on, practical training where participants develop experiential knowledge of God and His ways, not merely head knowledge. Their empowerment in mission comes not from academic study alone but going deep with God, becoming saturated with His powerful presence in their lives and ministries.
Which School Is The Best Fit For You?
Are you a local ministry leader, mission mobilizer or feel called as a message bearer among the unreached? Come and join us in Chiang Mai for one of these three equipping schools over the next year and receive the equipping you need to go to the next level as a messenger for God in this generation.
I would like to be dded on your mailing list and also I hope to be trained..as a Message bearer with revered christian leadership training institute.. Blessings!