By Daniel Schneider
Daniel is an Area Coordinator with Student Volunteer Movement 2 (SVM2) in the Chicago Area.
He is a recent grad of Moody Bible Institute
Do you believe? Do you believe Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole world? Do you believe the God we serve is in the business of doing the impossible? Do you believe Jesus Christ uses poor and broken people to deliver hope to a needy world?
Do you believe our world is needy? Do you believe you live in a generation different then any other, a generation on fire to know and understand the heart of God? Do you believe God could use you to be a part of it?
Saints, please pray for spiritual eyes, because God is moving. Do you believe? In the past 25 years more Muslims have come to Christ then all of Church history combined. In Iran college students are looking for answers Islam doesn’t have.
Albania used to be one of the hardest communist countries to get into, now the Albanian Church desires to send its own missionaries. Do you believe? With goals of seeing the Bible translated in every language in the next 20 years, to wars opening up countries that never before were open.
Do you believe? In Iraq the new president just told all the Christian workers to keep doing what they are doing, and if he could help with free land for Churches or tax free living to let him know.
In the United States God is burdening hearts of students to pray for a movement, causing many Christian leaders to recognize our generation as passionate, reckless, and soft to the things of God’s heart. Do you believe?
Before September 11th Afghanistan had a hand full of believers, and now they have reports of Church meetings up to 50 people. The problem is not figuring out if God is moving…the problem is believing!
The question is asked again, do you believe? God desires His people to look to him and believe Him for the impossible. Let’s be a generation marked by believing impossible goals. What do we have to lose, if we already have given up everything?
Thank you for being sensitive to the heart of God, but let’s pray for God to do the impossible. Let’s pray for God to penetrate the Muslim world. Let’s pray for the greatest missionary movement in history. Let’s pray for the fall of communism in North Korea.
Let’s pray for message bearer leaders out of America’s top Ivy League schools. Let’s pray for legislation to protect unborn children from being aborted.
Let’s pray against liberal theologians who tell the Church Jesus Christ is not the only way to God. What ever God burdens your heart for believe him to do the impossible in that arena. We don’t need a revolution, we are the revolution!
Do you believe? A.W. Tozer tells us, “Were we able to extract from any man a complete answer to the question, ‘What comes into your mind when you think about God?’ We might predict with certainty the spiritual future of that man.
Were we able to know exactly what our most influential leaders think of God today, we might be able with some precision to fore tell where the Church will stand tomorrow” (A.W. Tozer, Knowledge of the Holy). Let’s join with our brothers and sisters all over the globe who believe high thoughts of God.
Let’s believe our God wants our generation to see Him work in ways He never has before in history. The way is suffering, the road is narrow, but the reward is great.
Let’s keep pressing on and let’s join in a corporate vision to see the name of Jesus exalted in every tribe, tongue, and nation in our generation.