By Kelly Shaw
Kelly is a member of the SVM2 international facilitation team and currently lives among the unreached.
During this Easter season, I (Kelly Shaw) have been reading through the gospel of Matthew, seeking to better understand and learn from the life of Jesus, His passion, death, and resurrection. Near the end of my reading, I came to the account of Jesus’ resurrection.
I was struck by the passage at the beginning of chapter 28 that talks about the women going to the tomb and the angel greeting them saying not to be afraid that Jesus has risen just as He said He would.
Then, we read the response of these women in verse 8, “So they (Mary Magdalene and the other Mary) went out quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to bring His disciples word.”
These women had just been commissioned to go and tell Jesus’ disciples the greatest news in world, and this filled them with great joy. But at the same time, women were not considered a trustworthy source of information at this point in history.
The text says that they were fearful, probably because they didn’t think that anyone would believe them. Yet, they were compelled, despite their fears, to go and speak the good news to Jesus’ disciples.
While still fearful, they step out in faith, and as they are going, Jesus meets them on the road. He dispels their fears and confirms the message that they are supposed to bring to the disciples.
In my own life, I remember having to face my fear of moving to a new place by myself that was unlike anywhere that I had lived before, far away from my family. I knew that God was calling me to move, and I had the choice to wallow in my fears or follow God.
I chose to follow God and that didn’t mean I had overcome my fears, but I took the step of faith. As I continued along the path God had laid before me, I found that Jesus met me there.
One of the major hindrances to young adults getting involved in global proclamation is the issue of fear – fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of being laughed at and despised both by peers and those to whom one is ministering.
Fear is a reality and does not subside by denying or ignoring it. We have to face our fears, call them for what they are, and then trust in Jesus to meet us after we have stepped out in faith.
Just like the women who feared what others would say but stepped out in faith anyway, so too we must overcome our fears by stepping out in faith. Most people struggle with fears of some sort: even great leaders like Joshua (Josh. 1.9) and Paul (Acts 18.9), but we can’t let our fears hold us back.
We must follow the call of God on our lives and surrender our fears to Jesus, the only One who can quiet them completely.
Do you struggle with fear? Do you sense God’s call on your life and fear is holding you back? You are not alone. We have to learn to step out despite our fear and trust Jesus to meet us there.
Scriptures for Study:
- Paul – Acts 18.1-18 Isaiah 41.10
- Joshua – Joshua 1.1-18 Luke 2.10
- Isaiah 35.3-4