By Jennifer Bloch
One word that continues to describe this month-long mission adventure – even after the team has returned to homes all over North America – is amazing. Amazing team.. amazing ministry opportunities.. amazing God who orchestrated it all!
While our primary goal of encouraging and supporting a couple of local Kenyan ministries was met, we also had a variety of opportunities to practically show Christ’s love in churches, hospital’s, schools, homes, on the streets of Kibera (the second largest slum in Africa) as well as out in the bush and bomas (mud homes) of the Maasai.
Souls were saved and local pastors encouraged, but the most exciting aspect to me were the changes I witnessed in the lives of the team. They are taking seriously the call of the Great Commission to go into ALL the world.
His plan for all peoples is in their blood now and they will no longer be able to settle for an ordinary life. We met young Kenyan Christians on fire for Christ and ready for a similar challenge to go, even for 2 years or more!
As we continue to see God’s purposes fulfilled in our world through us – His hands and feet – it’s amazing to think of what God could do through this generation around the world.