Joel Iyorwa
When the disciples of Jesus asked Him to teach them how to pray, they were probably unprepared for the response they got; here’s the first line of prayer they were taught:
“Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” (Luke 11:2)
What was the business of ordinary people from the fishing slums of Galilee with the ‘earth’ (a reference to the world) that belonged to powerful people like the Ceasers, Pilate, Herod, Lysanias, Annas and Caiphas, the eminent and powerful people in their day?
One of the key lessons we learn from this prayer is that Ordinary local believers can exert a global influence or impact through prayer, that we can ‘enforce’ the purpose-will of God upon the earth (not just across the street or in the next city) when we bend the knee.
When we become a praying force, we become a global force. When we pray it doesn’t matter who we are, where we live or come from, how much money we have, whether we have political clout or not…we become a people of global influence.
When we unite in prayer locally, we move God’s hand over the ‘earth.’ What a tremendous opportunity we have through prayer. In another passage of scripture, Jesus, expressing concern over the global state of the harvest again simply said “pray ye the Lord of the harvest” (Matt. 9:38).
This doesn’t mean we do not have other responsibilities apart from praying. It does mean that prayer is at the core of anything we could do to advance the kingdom and purpose of God in the world.
Sometimes the right environment needs to be created and some kind of prompting needs to be made for us to rise up to this challenge of ‘touching the world through prayer.’
SVM2uesday is one of such avenues created to spur and motivate us to prayerfully engage globally with God’s heart for the nations. This is a weekly prayer campaign (every Tuesday) that calls all disciples of Jesus all over the world to participate in dedicated prayer for Spiritual Awakening in the body of Christ and Global Harvest among the unreached.
Participants set aside some time (from 30 minutes to 1 hour or so) to pray for awakening in the body of Christ and global harvest among the remaining unreached and unengaged nations in the world.
True prayer cannot be focused merely on small selfish desires, but on the Kingdom agenda of God, seeking to establish this will of God – that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God, even as the waters cover the sea” and that those held captive in darkness under the yokes of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Idolatry, and the lot all over the world will be released, that darkness will turn to light, and unbelief to faith in the Lord Jesus.
Where ever we are, who ever we are will not matter as we unite our voices to the Lord in passionate praying to see God move mightily over the nations in our time again.
Become a part of God’s global praying force today. Bend your knees in prayer, and see God move around the world for His glory. Like Wesley once said, “God does nothing, except in answer to prayer”. We can therefore say “God does something when we pray.”
The critical question now is, will you join the global praying force God is raising in these last days? Sometimes, you won’t just need to pray alone by yourself, but you can also mobilize and recruit others in your sphere of influence, you could begin to host a global prayer group, praying locally and [yet] exerting a global influence and thus pushing for the ‘fulfillment of the Great Commission in this generation.’