By Stanley Ow Chong Kheng
Stanley is the GMMI National Lead Facilitator in Singapore.
2. Looking– the writer of Hebrews declared Jesus as the source our faith. ‘Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.’ Hebrews 12:2a. This journey begins and ends in eternity with Christ. There is no turning when we follow Jesus. 32 years ago, I dedicated my life to serve full-time and there was no turning back to my secular career as a site supervisor. Beholding implies grazing intentionally with favor and interest. We desire to love, know and serve Him. He is our greatest joy and purpose for living. Paul quoted the saying of the poets in Athens, ‘For in Him we live and move and have our being.’ This should be the desire of all of us – to put Him first place in our lives. He is our number one and the top of our priorities.
3. Hearing– Our spiritual ears need to be unplugged of earthly distractions and voices in order to hear Him speaking to us. He can speak to us through His living Word or the voice or prompting of His Holy Spirit. Ask God to clear the channels of our ears so that we can hear Him clearly and specifically. Stay in tune and connected with His Holy Spirit.
4. Touching– How can we touch Him whom is invisible? This moves beyond the physical realm into the spiritual realm of experience and sensing His presence and anointing. Jesus felt that someone had touched Him in the midst of the crowd recorded in the gospel. A desperate woman in need of healing reached out to the Lord that He might touch her and be healed. (Mark 5:24-34; Matthew 9:18-22; Luke 8:43-48). This is a step of desperate faith as of Jacob of the Old Testament. ‘Lord! I am not going to let you go until you bless me’ was the desperate cry of Jacob (Genesis 32:26). Though limping, he was changed and transformed with a new name Israel, the Prince and not the former deceiver. Seeing Jesus takes a step of desperate faith. “Lord I want more of you. I am not happy with my present spiritual condition and I want more and more of you!’ God will come and reveal Himself as He is as we earnestly seek after Him.
As a young person, you look to parents, elders, men, women in authority and spiritual leaders as your examples and mentors. You follow their lives and examples. Generally, there is a lack of good mentors. Paul said in the book of Corinthians, “Follow me as I follow Christ” (I Corinthians 11:1) Seek out good spiritual mentors in your life.
In order to see Jesus, we must not be satisfied with our present condition as there is always more in God as we pressed into His presence and desire to know Him more. This is total abandoned devotion that SVM2 is talking about. Seeing, looking, hearing and touching Him as you desire to be more and more like Jesus. Remember the familiar saying, “Like father, like son.” You can grow in Christ-likeness. The ultimate purpose of our existence on earth.