Today is the official day the work of SVM2 transitions to become known as Global Mission Mobilization Initiative (GMMI). We are excited about how the Lord will use this shift in His global purposes.
Over the next month, you will find our new name implemented in various places. Our Facebook page has now changed from SVM2 to GMMI. The page continues to provide high quality, engaging, encouraging posts along with updates to serve you in mission mobilization. If you haven’t “liked” the page yet, please go here to do so.
The name change also brings an unveiling of a brand new website serving GMMI. The site will be ready in a few weeks’ time, serving local ministries and leaders to multiply mission mobilization movements in their spheres of influence. Look out for updates on this exciting development soon.

The name Global Mission Mobilization Initiative (GMMI) is a crucial piece of the alignment with the will and purpose of God which the Spirit has been guiding us into. He is aligning us as an initiative with where He is going. It is necessary that we be a people hearing and responding to where the Lord is taking us at any given time.
Let’s break down each piece of the new name, seeing how it aligns with where God is taking us. First, the word “Global.” It is the will of God to grow the mission mobilization movement globally. It is still too common to hear leaders in non-western ministry backgrounds cite cross-cultural mission is not really for them. Yet we know from Scripture it is for every church, fellowship and believer in every nation no matter how poor, uneducated or challenging the location may be.
It is time for every ministry and every denomination in every nation to recognize and buy into Jesus’ vision of cross-cultural mission. These prioritize mobilizing and equipping their members to become inspired, educated and activated in individual roles in the Great Commission to the unreached. Such a widespread involvement is possible, yet only through significant shifts in our church paradigms and re-aligning ourselves with God and His purposes in our day.
Second, is the concept of “Mission Mobilization.” GMMI provides strategy and tools enabling the global church to mobilize and equip their own ministries for the Great Commission among the unreached. A major lack in the mission movement today are adequate, credible voices blowing the trumpet of mission mobilization across Jesus’ Church.
Apart from the core calling of mission mobilization becoming understood and implemented across Jesus’ whole Church, the fulfillment of the Great Commission is only a pipe dream. The good news is that over the last few decades mobilization ministries, courses and tools have been multiplying, giving hope the global Church is turning a corner and aligning more with the global purpose of God.
Yet our goal is not merely one by one mission mobilization. To keep in step with the Spirit we need to progress from mission mobilization by addition to mobilization by multiplication. GMMI is working to multiply mission mobilization movements through a God-given strategy influencing ascending, widening levels across His body among (1) individual believers, (2) individual local ministries, (3) denominations or church network structures, (4) and finally nationally through evangelical alliances and mission associations.
Thirdly, the word “Initiative.” GMMI is not a traditional organization. Instead, it serves the spectrum of the global body of Christ by training Mobilization Coordinators who reproduce Great Commission Seminars within local ministries across a portion of a denomination or church network structure.
Through Mobilization Coordinators the initiative spreads through increasingly more ministry structures. These are leaders within denominational structures trained to spread vision and clarity of the Great Commission to the unreached. By reproducing Great Commission Seminars in local ministry after local ministry they help activate those ministries as Great Commission Ministries – a local ministry implementing strategy and tools found in the Handbook for Great Commission Ministries.
Is God calling you to be a Mobilization Coordinator within your denomination or church network? We want to partner with you for training and empowering. If that’s you contact Joel Iyorwa at
GMMI exists for you! Empowering local ministry leaders and denominational leaders with tools to mobilize and equip your ministries in the Great Commission. We look forward to serving you in this way. Together, we can mobilize Jesus’ Church in every nation for their role among the unreached. Together, we can fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission in this generation.
Its a privilage to equip our self under this GMMI. I thank God that such a organisation has given us in order to success in ministry.
A beautiful centre to equip our self in order to success in ministry field.
It’s very nice